Sunday, we attended a welcome party hosted by mainly Majas lab. Apparantely, there is a tradition in Sendai to go down to the river and have an out door party at the beginning of fall. They cooked miso-soup with a special potato that grows in this season with delicious grilled fish.
Ulrika & Shingo
The Japanese are really something else, ever so polite, but still crazy. After a couple of beers, they started throwing each other in the river (which looked really dangerous with the shallow water and big sharp rocks everywhere). As soon as one boy was thrown into the water, they started chasing after everyone (except for the foreign girls, of course).
Water fight
After the party, we went into town with two of the Japanese guys in Majas lab (one of who studied a year at KTH), looked at kimonos and had a cup of coffee.
Daiki, Ulrika & Maja
In the evening, we met up with the others again and went to a restaurant where they have an all-you-can-drink-for-1000-yen thing. The drinks were weak and mostly juice, probably 'cause the Japanese can't really drink alcohol (genetics plus the fact that they are so tiny).
Daiki, Ulrika & Pernilla
After at least the Japanese people had gotten a bit tipsy, we went to kareoke, amazing! We have found our true calling! Sitting in a small room, doing song after song (we completely dominated the mics with mostly English song although some of the others performed Japanese hits, perfectly- of course). After that, they took us to a club (expensive entrance fee) to dance to really bad music, or, maybe the music in itself was not so bad, but the dj's playing were. Not being able to go out and dance in while made us forget about that and dance to ours hearts content. One head above everyone else. As usual...
All in all, it was a nice ending to our first week in this still kinda strange country.
3 kommentarer:
Hejhej, verkar minst sagt galet i japan! Verkar som ni trivs so far, synd med avståndet till skolan. Ni sjöng väl The Vapors - turning japanese på karaoken?
I Trättebråten sköt vi 5 älgar, dock ingen av mig eller pappa. I helgen ska jag till uppsala och jaga:D Vi hörs när vi är online på voipbuster! POK, pappa hälsar.
Hej! Äntligen hittat er. Skoj med alla bilder och inlägg, men skriv gärna på svenska emellanåt, lite lättare för oss i det gamla gardet vi är också intresserade av vad som händer på andra sidan klotet, So long!
Pernilla, jag har försökt ringa på ditt telefonnummer ett par gånger i kväll men du har väl inte varit hemma. Vill bara kolla att det fungerar.
Kram Pappa
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